International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Computing for Smart Power, 2022
    July 21st -23rd, 2022 !! Hyderabad, India

IEEE Conference Record .: #53532


Ramoji Film City

Theme of the Conference

The conference is proposed with a basic theme “ Intelligent controller and computing towards smart power”, The conference will provide an effective forum to disseminate new technology and share expertise among researchers, scientists and engineers in the academia and the industry in a wide spectrum of sub disciplines in power system, power electronics and control system. The conference will focus the latest technologies and challenges that are faced by power systems, power electronics systems, electric drives, renewable energy resources and their integration to modern power systems and the energy management in smart grid environment for a reliable, efficient and environment-friendly modern power system.

About SNIST, Hyderabad

Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology (SNIST), Hyderabad, was established in 1997. It is the First Engineering College amongst 240 Engineering Colleges affiliated to JNTU to be accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) of AICTE. Sreenidhi Transforms its student in to technically competent, highly communicative, application-oriented and lifelong learning engineers. Their Success in the globally competitive technological world and the leadership in their chosen profession, are our objectives. It is running a number of under graduate and post graduate program and is also engaged in research activities in a number of engineering domains. SNIST is recognized by Department of Scientific and Industrial (DSIR), Scientific and industrial research organization (SIRO) The Institution got accredited by NAAC with “Grade A” and Accredited by NBA of AICTE within 5 ½ years of its existence. SNIST is the only Institution in Telangana which received World Bank assistance under TEQIP in both Phases I and II. The institution attained autonomous status from UGC and JNTUH from 2010 onwards and it is the first college under JNTUH to get such an autonomous status.

About EEE Dept. SNIST, Hyderabad

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) was established in the year 1997-1998. Nineteen batches of B-Tech Students graduated from 2001 to 2019. With approval of AICTE the department started a Full Time M-Tech Program.with specialization of “Electrical Power Engineering” under the affiliation of JNTUH, Hyderabad in the year 2004-2005. The B. Tech (EEE) Course was accredited by NBA for three years in the year 2003 and reaccredited in the year 2007. The B. Tech (EEE) was reaccredited for 5 years in 2014. The B-Tech (EEE) Program is again applied for Reaccreditation. The M-Tech (EPE) Course was accredited in the year 2009 and applied for Reaccreditation. Students who graduated are very well placed in reputed organizations in India and Abroad. Dept. is fully utilizing the autonomy status by incorporating changes in the curriculum with the approval of duly constituted Board of Studies and the Academic Council at required intervals by taking inputs from Industry and making them an active stake holder in the curriculum Refinement. Faculty of the Department is actively involved in research activity. The research interest of faculties encompasses various areas of electrical engineering. The department have well-equipped laboratory facilities to the students such as Electrical Machine Lab, Network and Systems lab, Power System Simulation Lab, Control & Instrumentation Lab, Power Electronics & Drives Lab, Microprocessor Lab etc.


There are various tracks in the conference, which mainly focuses on the controller and computing techniques implementation in the area of Electrical and Electronics Engineering such as Power Electronic Converters and control systems, Renewable energy Resources, Distributed generation and Grid Interconnection, Electric vehicles, Energy storage & battery charging techniques, Power Quality, Microgrid & Smart grid Technologies. The conference aims to put together the experts from the relevant research domains to share their knowledge and ideas with a direction towards future research scope.


  • Active Microgrid
  • Active Distribution Network
  • Power Electronic Converters
  • Electric vehicles
  • Power Electronics Application in Modern Power System
  • Renewable Energy Resources
  • Estimating and filtering Techniques
  • Energy Management
  • Electricity Markets
  • Power System Reliability
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Machine Learning Approach
  • IOT Based Control
  • Islanding Detection
  • Integration of Energy Storage System
  • Power Quality
  • Application of power converters for transportation/ EV/ traction drives, AC/DC, DC/DC.
  • Microgrid and smartgrid controller
  • Intelligent Controller
  • Computational Techniques
  • Soft Computing Applications
  • Evolutionary Computing